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Position Zero: Everything You Need to Know

Being ranked 1st in the SERPs has been the goldmine of search engine optimization (SEO) for many years, but now top-ranked websites have vacated the spotlight for position zero, the new top-ranked spot in Google.


Today, many website owners competing for the position. If you want to land on position zero, we will provide information to help you understand what position zero is about and tips on how to claim the spot.


What Is Position Zero?

Also known as Featured Snippet, position zero appears above the organic search engine results. This position is the prime location for brands that want to build awareness and drive organic traffic to their website. 


With voice search becoming increasingly popular, Google uses the featured snippet to provide answers to voice searches. Position zero can be a paragraph, ordered or unordered list, table, or video, depending on the search term. Take, for example, a video snippet for a search query “how to transplant a seedling”.


Here are the top benefits of claiming position zero in Google Search:


  • More SERP territory to occupy 
  • Stronger presence in voice search results
  • Higher click-through rates (CTR)


Why Is Position Zero Valuable?

Initially, marketers opposed the introduction of featured snippets in SERPs can be detrimental to traffic, causing people to abandon their websites. Contrary to the belief, position zero significantly boosts your stats, including visits, CTR, and conversions. In addition to its many benefits, it also helps build your brand expertise. Providing a clear and direct answer to a question shows a powerful statement about your brand. 


What Types of Content Qualifies for Position Zero

Some content cannot be displayed as a featured snippet. However, specific types have a higher potential of making it to position zero.

  • Comparisons

Most shoppers are more likely to read comparison content to get more information about a certain product, such as gadgets or new phones, before buying. Websites that use tables to compare products are more likely to be displayed in featured snippets. 

  • Provide Answers to Questions (how, what, when, where)

Most information found on the Internet is created to provide answers to the user’s questions. When creating content, think about the most queries people use. This will increase your likelihood of landing on position zero.

  • Definitions

Providing definitions to complex terms are commonly displayed as featured snippets in search engines. Google algorithms determine which content has the best definition. 


  • Lists

A featured snippet of content with lists of information often comes in the form of bullet points or numbered lists. Once you click through, you will see more bullet points and additional information. 

  • Step-by-Step Instructions

Instructional content helps solve a certain problem. Take, for instance, how to make a simple cabinet box.  This type of content can be in the form of text or tutorial videos. To optimize your content, choose relevant keywords to increase your chances of claiming the spot. 


Optimizing Your Content for Position Zero in Google


Many marketers strive to secure the most coveted spot in Google. But what can you do to land in position zero?

Luckily, there are several things you can do to optimize your content to claim this prestigious spot and capture the attention of your target audience. 

  • Understand the Featured Snippet

Before aiming for Position Zero, it’s essential to comprehend a featured snippet. It’s a concise summary of information that appears at the top of some search results. Google pulls this snippet from a relevant webpage to provide users with quick answers to their queries.

  • Target Question-Based Queries

Featured snippets often appear for question-based queries like “how to”, “what is”, or “why does”. Tailor your content to address common questions related to your industry or niche.


  • Create High-Quality Content

Content remains king, even when aiming for position zero. Craft well-structured, informative, and engaging content that answers the target question thoroughly. Clear, concise, and easy-to-understand language is key.

  • Focus on on-Page SEO

On-page optimization plays a vital role in achieving Position Zero. Pay attention to your title tag, meta description, headers, and content formatting. Incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content.

  • Provide Clear Answers

Google prefers concise answers that directly address the user’s query. Include a brief, precise answer to the question in the opening paragraph of your content.

  • Use Lists, Tables, and Bullets

Structuring your content with lists, tables, and bullets can increase your chances of getting a featured snippet. These formats make it easier for Google to extract relevant information.

  • Leverage FAQ Sections

Websites with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sections are a goldmine for featured snippets. Compile and answer common questions, structuring them in a clear and organized manner.

  • Implement Schema Markup

Schema markup is a tool designed to help search engines understand what the content is all about. Adding appropriate schema markup to your content can enhance its chances of appearing as a featured snippet.

  • Target Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific queries that often trigger featured snippets. Identify relevant long-tail keywords and create content that thoroughly addresses these queries.

  • Monitor Competitors

Analyze your competitors who have secured featured snippets. Identify the strategies they’ve used and brainstorm ways to provide even more comprehensive and valuable answers.


  • Create “How-to” Guides

Step-by-step guides are a favourite for featured snippets, especially for instructional queries. Create detailed “how-to” guides that walk users through a process.

  • Utilize Videos and Images

Visual content, such as videos and images, can enhance the appeal of your content for featured snippets. Use these elements to complement your written information.

  • Optimize for Voice Search

As voice search becomes more prevalent, optimizing for voice-friendly queries can increase your chances of claiming position zero. Consider the natural language people use in spoken queries.

  • Test and Refine

Achieving position zero might require experimentation and optimization. Continuously monitor your content’s performance and be ready to adjust your strategies based on the results.


Position zero offers a unique opportunity to capture users’ attention and establish your authority in your field. By understanding the intricacies of featured snippets, tailoring your content to user intent, and optimizing your page structure, you can increase your chances of claiming this valuable spot and driving more traffic to your website.

The Impact of AI-Generated Content on Search Rankings

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated content is making waves as a revolutionary tool in content creation. From text and images to videos, artificial intelligence has taken centre stage, promising efficiency and scale. However, as businesses and marketers navigate this new territory, a pressing question arises—can AI-generated content hurt your search ranking?

Let us understand the nature of AI content and how it can affect your SERP ranking.


Understanding AI-Generated Content

Today, many digital marketers rely on artificial intelligence for content creation. It uses computer algorithms to generate human-like content automatically. AI uses technology to analyze data, identify patterns, and mimic human creativity to reform content production.

People can use it to create different types of content, including written articles, images, and videos, allowing quick production of high volumes of content. This helps businesses maintain an active online presence.

While AI-generated content speeds up the creation of content, reducing the time and effort required to produce materials, it also has drawbacks, mainly producing irrelevant content that needs more human touch.


How AI-Generated Content Affects Search Ranking

Search engines like Google use complex algorithms to determine the relevance and quality of content, which directly affects search ranking. These algorithms continuously evolve to deliver users the most accurate and valuable results.

AI-generated content can initially boost search ranking by providing a consistent stream of fresh content. Search engines favour regular updates as it indicates the relevancy and activity of the website.

Yet, quick and automated production of content can backfire. Search engines will start detecting low-quality or duplicated AI-produced content. This can result in a drop in search rankings.


These factors can have a significant impact on your search engine rankings:

  • Content Relevance and Quality

Regardless of its origin, content must remain relevant to the audience and maintain high quality. AI-generated content must align with user intent and provide valuable insights to maintain or improve search ranking.


  • User Engagement and Interaction

Search engines value content that engages users, evidenced by metrics such as time spent on a page and interaction rates. Genuine user engagement, driven by both AI and human-created content, contributes positively to search ranking.


  • Backlinks and Domain Authority

Backlinks from reputable sources and a strong domain authority signal credibility to search engines. AI-generated content should be part of a holistic strategy that also includes manual content creation and link-building efforts.


  • Trustworthiness and Authenticity

Users trust websites that provide accurate and trustworthy information. While AI can generate content, the human factor is crucial in ensuring authenticity and preventing the dissemination of misinformation.


Risks and Challenges of AI-Generated Content

It has become evident that while the benefits of AI-generated content shine brightly, there are also potential risks and challenges that we need to be aware of. Beyond its automated creation, several factors can impact the core of your digital endeavours.

Let us explore the different risks and challenges that come with using AI tools to generate content:

  • Duplicate and Low-Quality Content

Issues AI-generated content might inadvertently produce duplicate or subpar material. Search engines penalize duplicate content and prioritize original, high-quality content in search results.


  • Human Touch and Connection

AI-generated content lacks the emotional depth and empathy that human-created content offers. Establishing a genuine connection with the audience requires a human touch that AI might struggle to replicate.


  • Misinformation and Bias

AI relies on patterns and data, which can perpetuate biases or even generate false information. This poses a risk to the accuracy and credibility of the content, potentially leading to a decline in search ranking.


  • Search Engine Penalties

Engaging in unethical practices, such as keyword stuffing or content spinning with AI, can result in search engine penalties. These penalties can significantly harm search ranking and online visibility.


Strategies for Using AI-Generated Content Wisely

Having a thought approach—finding the right balance, effective use of AI for analysis and human insights, and aligning the voice and values of your brand—can help you maximize the power of technology while ensuring upholding quality and relevance.

Take note of the following tips:


  • Balancing AI and Human-Generated Content

A strategic blend of AI-generated and human-created content can harness the efficiency of AI while preserving the human touch. This balance ensures that content remains relevant, engaging, and authentic.


  • AI for Research and Analysis

The data processing capabilities of the AI can be used to analyze trends, gather insights, and inform content strategies. Businesses can create informed and targeted content by leveraging AI in this capacity.


  • Human Oversight and Editing

Human oversight and editing are crucial to mitigate the risks associated with AI-generated content. Reviewing and refining AI-generated content can enhance its quality, accuracy, and relevance.


  • Aligning With Brand Voice and Values

AI-generated content should reflect the brand’s voice, values, and identity. Human intervention is essential to ensure that the content maintains consistency with the brand’s image.


Future Trends and Recommendations

With the evolution of AI technology, its role in content generation will continue to expand. Businesses should stay informed about these advancements and anticipate their potential impact on search ranking.

Here are some potential future trends and recommendations:


  • Embracing AI Ethically

Ethical considerations should guide the use of AI-generated content. Businesses should prioritize the creation of valuable, accurate, and unbiased content to maintain credibility and search ranking.


  • Adapting to Evolving Algorithms

Search engine algorithms will continue to evolve, requiring businesses to adapt their content strategies accordingly. Staying updated and agile is essential to maintaining a competitive search ranking.


As we continue to explore different ways to optimize our search rankings, the use of AI-generated content presents both opportunities and challenges. While AI can streamline content creation, its impact on search ranking hinges on factors like relevance, quality, and user engagement. Businesses must navigate the risks and benefits of AI-generated content thoughtfully, embracing a balanced approach that incorporates human oversight and values. It is imperative that we stay informed and ethical in its application to ensure sustained search ranking success.

6 Key Elements of a Killer Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing has increasingly grown in popularity over the years. Many businesses with an online presence use content marketing to build and strengthen their brand, attract prospects and retain loyal customers, and boost their bottom line. 

At the heart of every effective and successful content marketing effort are the core elements. Incorporating these elements into your content marketing strategy can boost audience engagement, improve brand awareness, and provide a healthy ROI to your business. To achieve these, you will need to develop a strategic method that demonstrates and targets your company’s realistic goals and measures results. 

In this post, you will learn the significant elements of content marketing and how you can implement them in your strategy. 

  1. Brand Story

Having a thorough understanding of the identity of your brand is crucial for communicating with your target audience. As a business owner, you need to identify who you are as a business, your values, your mission, and what your company does. These factors can help create your unique brand and develop a consistent personality and tone of voice to establish customer trust and confidence. In the fierce world of business, creating a unique brand story can make your voice stand out, setting you apart from the competition and resonating with your target market. 

  1. Audience Persona

It is impossible to tell your brand story without knowing who your target audience is. You will need to identify the audience whom you want to target with your content. Here are some tips to do this:

  • Study your existing customers
  • Get to know the latest trends in your industry
  • identify the people who you want to target 
  • Monitor the customers whom your competitors are targeting

  1. Style Guidelines

To develop consistently high-quality content, you need to follow documented style guidelines. It should cover key points from grammar and punctuation to the unique tone of your voice. Having a unique style guideline enables you to create consistent and well-written content that will engage your audience. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
  1. Business Case and Content Marketing Goals

For your content strategy to be successful, you must provide value to your target audience. It should not only capture new readers and followers, but it must also help drive your business forward. It starts with identifying the goals you want to achieve and determining the ways that will bring you closer to our objectives. For instance, find out the number of resources you need to invest in your content strategy and the results you want to attain. 

In addition to your content marketing goals, having a documented business case can help you gain a better understanding of the benefits and costs of content marketing strategy implementation. 

  1. Keywords

Well-written and engaging content is awesome, but you need to identify and use the right keywords to ensure that your content comes up in the top search results. Know the top keywords commonly used by your target audience and develop a strategic plan as to how your content assets can help you rank for the most crucial ones. 

  1. Action Plan

Lastly, you will need an effective action plan that puts together your primary content marketing campaign and projects that you want to achieve for the year. Consider how they will attain the goals that you have previously established for your business. A carefully thought-out action plan enables you to analyze each step to strategize your content marketing campaign. It should cover the following 

To help you choose the right formats and channels for your content, check your historical content performance and study your audience persona.

Proper implementation of these elements can make you feel confident with your content strategy. However, do not stop making improvements. Assess your strategy regularly and make the necessary adjustments. Always keep your strategy up-to-date and comprehensive to take your content marketing to new heights.

What Are the Best Ways to Repurpose Your Content?

There is an exciting way to make your existing content new and great again. We are sure that you have an archive loaded with once helpful, popular content, and it is a shame to keep them hidden in the dark!

Repurposing is a content marketing technique that allows you to breathe in new life to old posts and continue to gain value. Repurposing is about recycling old posts and promoting them in a new form to widen their reach and lifespan.

You do not need to create new content every day. Drawing existing blog posts, videos, and other assets can cut down the time to produce new content. Additionally, it improves your bottom line and the visibility of your content, which can help you reach a wider audience.

How to Repurpose Your Old

Content If you want to repurpose your outdated content for various channels, start by assessing your metrics. Identify high-performing content and think of ways how you can continue to provide value to your target audience with the same content in various formats.

  • Create a YouTube Video

Your existing how-to blog posts can be transformed into tutorial YouTube videos, especially if they are graphics-heavy pieces. For example, you are a business coach offering tutorial services to salespeople who want to master sales calls. You can use some of your blog posts to create a script and convert it into a YouTube video.

  • Create an Infographic

If you have an old blog post packed with statistics or data, the best way to repurpose it is by creating an infographic. Most consumers love visuals, so creating an infographic post of statistics is an effective way to engage your target audience and give new value to your content. While you can include infographics in your blog, you can also post them on social media.

  • Create a Podcast

You can cite quotes from industry leaders or thought leadership posts and create podcasts. Convert the blog into a script and invite industry leaders back for a more comprehensive analysis of the insight they have given for the post.

  • Create an eBook

You can turn long-form content into an ebook to provide educational value to your reader. Discuss specific essential elements of your subject in your blog and offer the ebook to your target audience for a more in-depth analysis.

  • Create a Slideshow

Creating a slideshow is perhaps the easiest way to recycle your old content since it only involves converting the blog into a presentation form. Choose high-performing content and repurpose it into a SlideShare. It allows you to easily share it and introduce your repurposed content in a new format. You can also add graphic elements to make your slideshow more engaging.

  • Social Media Post

You can turn your blog posts into microblogs on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram. However, avoid promoting your blog posts directly. Instead, repurpose your brand message. Be sure to create a summary of the crucial points of your original blog. It allows you to maximize your ideas and share them on your social media.

  • Turn Old Webinars Into Video Tutorials

If you have hosted great webinars that attracted many attendees, do let them go to waste! You can reuse them again and transform them into video tutorials. Not only does your content live forever, but it can also be an additional asset to your website and attract more target audiences to your website via YouTube!

  • Turn Video Transcripts Into Blog Posts

Did you know that you can convert video transcripts into blog posts?

A scripted video with a logical structure does not require heavy editing to turn it into an engaging blog post. Take, for instance, the Whiteboard Friday, a weekly video produced by Moz. Although each of their videos has unique content, they also employ a transcription tool that helps convert videos into blog posts.