Tag: search engine optimization

  • The Impact of AI-Generated Content on Search Rankings

    The Impact of AI-Generated Content on Search Rankings

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated content is making waves as a revolutionary tool in content creation. From text and images to videos, artificial intelligence has taken centre stage, promising efficiency and scale. However, as businesses and marketers navigate this new territory, a pressing question arises—can AI-generated content hurt your search ranking? Let us understand the nature of…

  • Word Count for SEO: Does It Really Matter?

    Word Count for SEO: Does It Really Matter?

    Every year, Google creates new algorithm updates that keep content marketers on their toes, trying to figure out the secret formula that would send their content to the top of the search engine results page (SERP). Also, some marketers think that writing longer content can help them improve their ranking positions. Word count has always…

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