Author: Louise Marie

  • 4 Key Web Design Techniques to Improve Customer Experience

    4 Key Web Design Techniques to Improve Customer Experience

    In the ever-growing age of eCommerce, online presence has become a must for many businesses to survive the online competition. As a significant part of your brand’s digital marketing strategy, it is critical that every element of your website serves a purpose, especially when it comes to customer experience. From usability to the visual appearance…

  • Black Hat SEO Techniques You Must Avoid This 2022

    Black Hat SEO Techniques You Must Avoid This 2022

    For marketers looking for a shortcut to boost their search engine rankings and increase online visibility, black hat SEO may seem to be the solution. However, if you are planning to use black hat SEO techniques, think twice as it can hurt your SEO campaign more than it can help. What Is Black Hat SEO…

  • Tips to Make Online Reviews Work for Your Business

    Tips to Make Online Reviews Work for Your Business

    Many people rely on online reviews for everything from choosing a pizza parlour to hiring a plumber to install and repair the pipes in your home. In today’s digital marketing world, it is impossible to understate the impact of online reviews on your business. Recent surveys reported that 86% of virtual shoppers read online reviews…

  • 2022’s 10 SEO Trends to Follow

    2022’s 10 SEO Trends to Follow

    High-quality customer engagement and excellent search ranking have always been the basic tenets of search engine optimization in digital marketing. However, every year, market trends and search engine algorithms are constantly updated. As these innovations continue to change the landscape of global marketing, as a company, you also have to adapt and keep up with…

  • 7 Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Startup Business in 2022

    7 Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Startup Business in 2022

    Many startups encounter various challenges, including building their brand name and attracting potential customers, especially in the early stage. In addition to the lack of brand awareness, most startup business owners have limited resources to promote their business. Launching a startup is a complicated feat and complex process to take on, especially during a pandemic.…

  • What Are the Best Ways to Repurpose Your Content?

    There is an exciting way to make your existing content new and great again. We are sure that you have an archive loaded with once helpful, popular content, and it is a shame to keep them hidden in the dark! Repurposing is a content marketing technique that allows you to breathe in new life to…

  • Word Count for SEO: Does It Really Matter?

    Word Count for SEO: Does It Really Matter?

    Every year, Google creates new algorithm updates that keep content marketers on their toes, trying to figure out the secret formula that would send their content to the top of the search engine results page (SERP). Also, some marketers think that writing longer content can help them improve their ranking positions. Word count has always…

  • Top Digital Marketing Techniques to Learn in 2022

    Top Digital Marketing Techniques to Learn in 2022

    Every year ushers in technological innovations and new techniques in the digital market. As a company, staying on top of these changes and trends is crucial as it will determine your ability to stay relevant and engaging. With the increasingly competitive industry, quality customer interaction remains your key strategy to stand out. You can only…

  • The Basics of Digital Marketing

    The Basics of Digital Marketing

    Exploring the technical aspects of digital marketing may seem like a daunting task for budding entrepreneurs. However, learning the ABCs of online content development, SEO techniques, and campaign ads might be easier than you think. User-friendly and instinctive, these digital tools, when used correctly could significantly increase your market reach, industry influence, and customer engagement.…

  • What to Do When Your Google Rankings Drop

    What to Do When Your Google Rankings Drop

    A sudden and dramatic drop in your search engine rankings is the ultimate SEO horror story that no business owner wants to hear. Your website may have plummeted into the second page or worse, outside the top 100.  The drastic fall in your Google ranking position may be triggered by various factors, including changes in…

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