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SEO Tools Every Small to Medium Enterprise Needs

Top SEO Strategies and Tools for Business

The goal of a good SEO solution is to get bring more traffic, increase sales and get higher rankings on search engines such as Google and Bing. For this reason, our businesses need to recognize that SEO is an investment and not a cost. Because SEO promises great returns and is crucial in attracting relevant traffic with high potential for conversion. Many small and mid-size businesses in today’s highly competitive market often find it difficult to optimize the potential of their digital marketing campaigns, because finding the right tools can be a huge challenge.

One of the most potent tools in the market is Google. According to Digital Marketing Philippines, over 2.2 trillion searches were done on Google in 2013; this figure roughly translates to about 6 billion searches daily. A good SEO strategy can help a business tap into this huge resource of continuous, free flowing and targeted traffic. When you are analyzing SEO strategies, it is important to look for key features such as keyword research, reporting and tracking, link building, competitive analysis and service support.

The categories of key SEO tools for business as listed by Smart Insights include:

KEYWORD ANALYSIS TOOLS: Keywords are the heart and soul of any meaningful SEO strategy because they guide users to our business sites. Today, you can easily perform keyword analysis and research using Google AdWords Planner.

The other popular keyword analysis tools, include:SEMRush, Ubersuggested and Term Explorer.

CONTENT EFFECTIVENESS TOOLS: Good web content with fresh and unique ideas are critically important to businesses. Entrepreneurs also need to optimize content through the search engines and engage the audience. Some of the most effective tools here include:Buzzsumo, Outdated Content Finder, and YoastSEO WordPress Plug-in.


TECHNICAL SEO TOOLS: These tools can help our business sites become fully optimized because they allow users to exploit the back-end of the sites. Some of the most popular Technical SEO-tools in the market include DeepCrawl, WooRank Plug-in and Screaming Frog.

LINK BUILDING TOOLS: Links play a critical role in realizing full ranking optimization because they can easily raise the site’s awareness and can make you an authority on any given subject. The effectiveness of linking tools can be enhanced using a strong content. Best freemium link building tools in the market include; Majestic Backlink Analyzer and MozSEO Toolbar and Buzzstream, which is a premium option.

Source: http://www.poweredbysearch.com/blog/mozbar-seo-extension-chrome-firefox/

LINK REMOVAL TOOLS: Link removal tools often come in handy, when your site is hit with a Google Penguin algorithm penalty. Under such circumstances, you can use link removal tool to reinvigorate your site, by replacing low quality links. The best link removal tools in the market include Cognitive SEO tool and Disavow tool.

RANKING TOOLS: Ranking tools will effectively help you know where your business ranks. These tools make it easy for you to track the most effective online marketing strategies. The information received can be used to maximize ROI, improve campaign focus and increase traffic. Some of the best web ranking tools include SEMrush, Authority Labs and the free Google Search Console.


5 Things You Didn’t Know About Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update

Google is one of the biggest names on the Internet. Whenever they do an update or make a change, it has the potential to have an effect on millions of people. That is why fully understanding Google’s newest update is so important.

  1. The New Update Influences the Existing Algorithm

The most important part of this update is the fact that Google is putting out a mobile-friendly algorithm update. This is important because it can play a big role in the search results that mobile users are currently getting. This new algorithm is going to play a huge role in what results you are able to get when you are doing searches on your mobile device.

  1. E-Commerce Stores May Be Affected

Anytime a new algorithm is introduced, the ability of your store to show up in the search results may be affected. It is very important to study the new algorithm to find out if you need to make updates in order to ensure that your store will still show up on any searches that are done on mobile devices.

  1. There is an Easy Way to Check Site Compatibility

If you are concerned about whether your website will work properly with the new update, there is an easy way to check on this. Google has a website, which you can visit here, to check and see if your website will work properly or if it will need any changes. You will simply enter your website URL and it will provide you with the necessary information.


  1. The Role that Apps will Play

At this point in time, it is being suggested that apps will be positively affected by the new mobile-friendly update that Google is releasing. There has been some reports that apps may actually appear within normal searches as a possible search result. This can easily increase traffic and downloads for your personal app. While the full benefits will not be seen until after the update, this is something that is a very important benefit for many companies.

  1. What is Google’s Plan with the Update?

Google recognizes the increasing importance of being able to fully access the internet through mobile devices. Currently, Google is not fully taking advantage of these mobile devices. This update will position Google in a unique position that gives them better access to lead their competitors in this area and to potentially make Google a lot of money.

Whatever may come out of Google’s mobile-friendly update, there will definitely be some positive benefits for e-commerce companies. Learning everything about the Google algorithms and how it will affect your website is only one part of being successful with the changes and coming out ahead of your competitors.

What Happened to Apple’s iOS 9.3.2

Issues with Apple’s iOS 9.3.2

While nearly every update that Apple puts out seems to offer something positive to those devoted to Apple. Unfortunately, according to iOS News the 9.3.2 update seems to be breaking the streak of useful updates put out by Apple. There were several issues with this update that had many people very concerned and worried.

This particular update had some documented issues with an error that would appear after downloading the update and restarting the device. This particular error is shown on the devices as ‘Error 56’ and is actually some sort of hardware error. The suggested fix for this particular error is to connect to iTunes. The problem occurs after doing what is recommended. When the phone is restarted after connecting to iTunes, the same error show up on the screen and unfortunately there is no known fix to this problem.

Before this issue occurred, the update was released to help fix several problems. These problems included some issues with Bluetooth devices. These issues included problems with audio quality. With the update, those who were experiencing these issues were not supposed to have continued problems.

There was also some reported discontinuity in regards to the update size that caused some confusion and concern. Each of the different Apple devices reported a different size for the update that seems to have no explanation as of yet. For example, those with an iPad 2 or a iPhone 6S are reporting an update size of about 50 to 80 MB which is about what most people expect when it comes to updates. But for others, like the iPhone 6, it can reach an amount of up to 1.6 GB which is very large. There seems to be little rhyme or reason for these very large differences for the exact same update.

Another part of the update was supposed to address several smaller issues that did not cause many problems among the greater Apple owner population. These problems included some failure problems where looking up some dictionary definitions would suddenly not work, an issue where some people were unable to type in email addresses when using a Japanese Kana keyboard and an ongoing issue that often prevented any MDM servers from installing any custom B2B apps.

Whatever goals Apple had when it put out the 9.3.2 update, there were plenty of issues that cropped up with it. Depending on what Apple device you have, this could even lead to your device not working. As of now, there does not seem to be any statements or information about these issues being released from Apple but hopefully that will be something coming from this major company very soon.

If you’re affected by this issue, here is an excerpt of solutions from Apple’s support document:

If you see one of the errors below, you might have a hardware issue:

  • 1, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16
  • 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 56
  • 1002, 1004, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667 1669

Here’s what to check:

  1. Make sure that you have the latest version of iTunes.
  2. Check for issues with third-party security software.
  3. Make sure that your USB cable, computer, and network are reliable. Then try twice more to restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod.
  4. If you still see the error message, you can check for outdated or modified software or contact Apple Support.

Will Your Google SEO Strategy Remain The Same on Bing

Taking Your SEO Up a Notch With ONE Consideration

There’s a lot of misconceptions with success in an online business. In order to avoid these, due diligence is necessary. That consists of research and learning from those who have a track record of success. One worthy enough to make them an educator. There’s a wealth of knowledge on SEO you need to shift through properly.

Success with online marketing can be a complex measure of steps. It can be confusing for the beginner. The best lessons learned are found in dealing with search engines. Roughly 65 percent of searches on the Internet are through Google. This equates to billions of users active on Google searches monthly.

Numbers like that makes the hairs on digital marketers’ forearms stand up. The potential for success is here. But what about the rest of the industry? There are two other search platforms that fight a competitive bout for Google’s users. These search engines are Bing and Yahoo. The next question is then obvious at this point.

Will optimizing your site or article for Google enable you the same SEO advantage as finding your material through Yahoo and Bing? This is where we begin to better understand online competition for search engine priority. Ironically, though each of these three platforms offer the same service, their SEO requirements differ.

The big differences we find are uncovered when comparing the two engines –Bing and Yahoo– with Google. Though Google trumps supreme compared to other organizations, the competing search engines don’t follow the Google algorithm and optimization requirements. They differ.

Keyword Match and Uses

Keyword matching effect in some websites. – Image from Neil Patel

Google has advanced its engine’s capabilities to better understand words. This understanding gives Google the ability to compare meaning. That means the algorithm isn’t limited to matching word for word searches. Instead, it’s referencing a search query with synonyms and surrounding context.

Bing Search Engine and therefore Yahoo doesn’t operate that way. They’ll match a search word for word. The engines won’t look for other meanings or similar phrases. It’s hard to say if it’s an advantage or disadvantage. But if you want to optimize for all platforms, be sure to keep the differences in mind. Manage SEO accordingly.

The Age Effect and Domain Identity

Domain Age is another factor

Bing takes into consideration certain domain features like .gov or .edu. These have better priority in searches. Google prefers to prioritize content based on its backlinks before justifying a page’s age or domain name. In fact, Google prefers younger posts because there’s an implication that it’s more relevant.

Phrases with more than one meaning get priority based on popularity with Google. Those same sites having keywords with doubling meaning get priority through locality first. Google also doesn’t have programming access to certain codes like Flash sites. But Bing and Yahoo can crawl those sites.

Lastly, mobile optimization is a huge factor for Google and even ranks for it. Bing doesn’t request it though does offer mobile features for users operating personal devices.

These should all be taken into account when optimizing for all platforms and getting your material out there. It will take time, but understanding the above is a giant leap forward. Thanks for reading.

Google’s Latest Operating System – Android N

A Close Look at Google’s New OS, Android N

Google has unveiled its latest iteration of its popular Android mobile operating system. The development has been in the pipeline for the last two years. According to Cnet, some of the new features to look out for include split screen that allow users to work on several apps at the same time. Users will also be able to respond directly to text messages from a notification instead of using the texting app. The new software will include an enhanced battery saving mode called “Doze on the Go”. This energy saving feature can automatically halt any background computing process, when the phone is not in use. A similar feature called “Doze” was unveiled on Android Marshmallow in 2015. The unveiling ceremony took place on Wednesday 18, May.

In terms of graphics, game developers now have direct access to the devices GPU. This will be through the Vulkan cross-platform 3D graphics API. The device will also enable developers to build top of the class games featuring fine graphics and high end effects. According to the Vice President of Android engineering Mr. David Burke, Android N features a more improved runtime, which is designed to increase the download speed and reduce space taken up by the apps. The download speed will be enhanced by as much as 75 percentw. Android N will support over 70 new emojis, with improved representations of working women and skin tone variations. Google has already advanced 13 professional emojis for this purpose.

The other advanced features on Android News according to CBS News, include a virtual reality future and good night sleep mode. The growing trend in the tech world is undoubtedly pointing veering towards virtual reality future. To this end, Google is launching Daydream, a new virtual reality platform powered by Android N. However, the platform will not be available to the popular beta public developer at the beginning. Phones that are compatible with this feature will operate on a new virtual reality mode which promises improved performance. The introduction of the Night Mode, will allow users to shift the tint on their phone’s screen from tone of blue to yellow hue and other less, sleep disrupting colors.

The following Cnet and YouTube videos provide a glimpse of the new software features:

To ensure success of its new mobile phone operating system, Google will rely on the hardware made by leading handset manufacturers such as LG, THC and Samsung. The availability of new Android features on various phones will also depend on the terms set by various wireless carriers including AT&T and Verizon. The downside of fragmentation or the ability of different players, including device makers and carriers to decide what iterations to allow is the reason many people prefer using old Android versions, adds Cnet.
To download Android N, you need to go to the Google landing page. Google hopes to release the next Android version for tablets and Smartphone’s later this summer. A beta version that runs on Nexus Smartphone’s, including Nexus 9, Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P is already out.

The Most Important Google Ranking Factors You Should Focus On (3)

The Most Important Google Ranking Factors You Should Focus On

What Ingredients Make a Top Rated Google Search

There are a lot of factors involved when creating a website that is search engine optimized. How can a company make sure they are high in a search result when there are thousands of other companies trying to do the same? What can make your site stand out? SEO is not an easy business and can be incredibly frustrating. As Wendy Piersal said:


“Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” If that is true, how do you get people to love you? And how can you develop SEO at the same time?

The Most Important Google Ranking Factors You Should Focus On (1)
Falling Inlove

There are about 200 factors involved in SEO rankings in the Google Search Engine, and their optimization rankings change a few times a year, which means Google search results vary constantly. There are some major factors one should consider when trying to be SEO friendly. Let’s look at the different ingredients involved in SEO.

One of the most important elements in a web site being search optimized is backlinks. For over a decade this has been the most vital aspect of search optimization, and while Google is trying to develop other ways of evaluating sites, this continues to be one of the components that a company cannot neglect. Another key aspect of SEO websites is how worthy their articles are. Articles that are less valuable have to work more to gain views on Google, while those that are most jammed packed with important content will reach the top. Article length is almost just as important; the days when a 500 word article was enough to generate traffic is long gone. Make sure your content is lengthy and worthwhile.

Before focusing these things:

The Most Important Google Ranking Factors You Should Focus On (3)
New Google Important Factors

Positionly.com has a lot of important information related to what makes a site successful. There are on-page factors, site factors, off page factors and domain factors involved in SEO and they go into several elements in detail.

  • On-page factors include having the keyword in the title tag, a keyword in the description tag, and using keywords in copy. What hurts a site is duplicate content.
  • Site factors include a sitemap, domain trust, and server location.
  • Off page factors includes the number of linking domains, which are the number of other sites linking to you. This is key to success. Another is the diversity of link types.


Creating an optimized website, as one can see, involves a lot of elements at play that should be integrated to make one’s site enticing, both to viewers and to Google. It is like baking a cake, in a way. Without each ingredient, it just won’t be enticing and generate the kind of success that is needed. Each of these elements need to be considered when creating a site that is search engine optimized.

And, of course, being creative is highly important as well. Piersal is right; people must love you first. How do you create a following? Interesting, valuable content that is unique, with a creative twist.

Effective Ways To Optimize for Yahoo Search Engine

Effective Ways To Optimize for Yahoo Search Engine

Reaping Maximum Results From Search Engines

Understanding how to optimize for search engines is an important way to market yourself or your business. Web search engines are designed to search catalogs of information stored on the World Wide Web. Search engines are the most up-to-date resource for obtaining information on the web, using an algorithm to compose refreshment. With new information being released by the minute, what information gets priority placement?

Statistics are relaying that mobile users are searching just as often as desktop users. Mobile users are often seeking immediate information on the go and will only scroll through the first few search results. In a survey in the previous year, it has shown that mobile users has outnumbered desktop users:


Therefore, you need to take advantage of this. It is of the upmost importance to know how to get your information or your businesses information to be one of the top results.

Site Structure

Begin with how the website is structured. If the website is organized efficiently then it will give the site priority in indexing. Proper site structure involves correctly categorizing pages in both the main and submenus.


The quality of the content is of upmost importance, as well is keyword density. According to an article written by Qamar Zaman, Chief Visionary at One SEO Company:

“The search engine usually prefers the keyword density of 7 to 8 percent, which is higher compared to most webmasters and SEOs preference.”

But, you do not want to overstuff your articles with keywords but instead thoughtfully incorporate keywords. In addition to that, be sure to use words or phrases that are an accurate and rounded representation of your site.


Next, create a sitemap to allow for the page to be indexed easily. The Yahoo search engine does not allow mass linking or spam to seep into search results so make sure to use inbound links to meet this standard. Yahoo is the third most used search engine, following these guidelines closely will allow you to reap the benefits of being viewing on a widely used platform.

Understanding The Search Engine

Another key point to utilizing the search engine is understanding what it encompasses. Yahoo’s search index, for instance, includes HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Office documents. Documents that have been altered or updated recently are recrawled, keeping the search results fresher. This act of refreshment takes place twice weekly, more often than on other popular search engines.

Keep in mind that a lesser amount of results appear with this search engine than some other big search engines. However, this could very well be an example of displaying more accurate search results; results that match the text entered into the search box more closely. When it comes to the quality and size of Yahoo’s search index, according to Jeff Weiner, senior vice president of search and marketplace for Yahoo:

“We’re very confident in the quality and size of our index, and we think the results speak for themselves,”

So how do you make it into the index?

One-way is to become a user and then choose the “add URL” option. This option presents your website as a suggestion but does not fully guarantee that it will be indexed. There is also a paid program through Inktomi that guarantees admittance. Currently, Inktomi’s search is the only that feeds into Yahoo.
They offer “search submit” for smaller websites and “index connect” for websites that are 1000+ pages.

internet marketer

Surprisingly Effective Internet Marketing Strategies That No One Seems To Use

Internet Marketing Strategies That Offer Proven Best Results for Any Size Business

At a time when the worldwide web has become a highly competitive online marketplace, it makes perfect sense to use trending branding techniques to showcase a website service or product. In fact, there is a view in professional marketing circles that there are many surprising and proven effective Internet strategies that “no one seems to use?”

To help remedy this situation, there are many online branding experts that help with such things as search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

Another aspect of Internet marketing is linked to such things as strategic integration of plans and methods to help web page owners with link building, SEO integration, content marketing and trending social media and conversion methods. There are many longtime information technology (IT) professionals commenting online about how any website owner can excel in today’s competitive marketplace by simply adopting worldwide web insights, principles, case studies and proven strategies to help boost organic searches to their site. This translates to money in the bank for an online business offering a product or service.

Strategic planning online

At the end of the day, digital marketing is simply everything one does to sell something online. It includes “direct marketing” that involves talking to potential customers in person and via a tweet, text, e-mail or other online communications. It also means a plan or strategy is in place to help present and sort out an online business plan so all involved excel and remain relevant in the digital marketplace. Overall, there are many great online product branding companies that can help anyone with a website to grow a successful business.

The strategies to help sell something online include:

– The use of creative “link building” per specialized online branding tactics to help present a website in its best light.
– Creating an outreach tactics list that keeps all involved in the act of sharing data about a site so as to promote business growth.
– SEO methods and steps that are proven to be effective in terms of sharing best reviews in the digital marketplace.
– A focus on building true “brand authority” so as to communicate directly with potential customers or clients online.
– Aggressive online business e-mail list building that keeps all customer and potential customer contacts updated.
– Video branding focus that uses such things as YouTube pitches as a platform to help sell or present an online service or product.

In general, there are many proven best practices to help sell just about anything online today. It is the wise website owner that considers SEO and other methods to help attract new customers.

Online selling help offered

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, there are many specialized services featured online today to help anyone market their products or services effectively and efficiently online. In fact, the Chamber of Commerce in any American city today is all about helping business owners sell more goods and services on the worldwide web.

Meanwhile, there is a view that more “global trade” online is best. At the end of the day, the Chamber’s focus is the same for any size business when it comes to perceiving online sales as “an opportunity” rather than a chore.
In other words, it takes a certain mind set or business passion to excel in today’s highly competitive online marketplace and that is why a good marketing plan is vital, say IT professionals and other web experts.

Make a SEO investment

There are many business priorities that include funds to cover search engine optimization and other ways and means to help sell or “brand” a website product or service. In fact, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership are all about “sharing” news online about who is selling what service or product. Meanwhile, the best advice to business owners is to get on the SEO bandwagon and help sell your product online. The focus for such selling should focus on the product or service’s strengths and that is what selling or branding is really all about, say professionals who regularly work with entrepreneurs.

At the end of the day, an online business owner must fight for success; while they do not have to go it alone because there are many skilled branding experts featured online to help.

Getting the upper edge online

Overall, there has never been a better time for an online website business owner to get the edge on today’s highly competitive marketplace by using innovative marketing skills and methods that help give the competitiveness edge for true entrepreneurialism success. While this success does not happen overnight, there is a view that any small, mid-sized or even large online business can benefit from such things as search engine optimization and other methods to attract new customers.

Powerful SEO Strategies To Gain More Leads for Your Plumbing Company

Want a Booming Business? Maximize Your SEO Strategy

Once upon a time, lived a very strange concept called “The Yellow Pages.” These pages were like no other you had ever seen. Not only were they heavy and awkward, but they also made your hands very dirty. These pages were a force to be reckoned with, but what other choice was there when it came to finding the name and number of a reputable plumber?

Fortunately, the search landscape has changed dramatically. In today’s digital age, instead of flipping pages, we type. And instead of straining to read the print, we count on search engines to do the dirty work. With the technological advances of today, it’s almost impossible not to have an online presence. According to Search Engine Watch, approximately 50 percent of all mobile searches are performed in hopes of finding local results, and 61 percent of those searches result in a purchase.

Optimization for Consumers

When searching for products or services, most people pull out their smartphone, open Google and search for a local business that provides what they want. This is known as a local search, and it’s for those in a specific area who use search engines to find a business in that particular area. With all of the local businesses competing to be top dog in those searches, website optimization is key. SEO is about reaching your target audience and creating leads that eventually turn into conversions. Knowing how to use local SEO is an invaluable tool for your business. By knowing how to entice and reach your target audience is the difference between just getting by and being highly successful within your business sector.
To help you understand the SEO process, here is a diagram from Alpha Bee Design:

By understanding what it takes to reach your target audience, you’re able to entice them with the written word. SEO is far more than simply using a keyword that’s related to your business. Writing content that people want to read is what brings visitors to your site. Think about what attracts you to someone’s blog. You read it because it provides you with information you want. Knowing how to “reel” in your potential customers takes savvy copywriting skills, research and proper keyword usage.

Keywords and Beyond

Keyword usage is important, but you also need to look for buckets of “niche-specific” word combinations. Start by determining which conversational phrases people are likely to use when searching for your particular product or service. For example, instead of plumbing, try affordable plumbing companies, local plumbers or emergency plumbing services. When possible, target conversational phrases like affordable local plumbers or low-cost plumbing companies.

The step in your SEO marketing strategy should be to organize these phrases into three different categories: informational, navigational and transactional phrases.

• Informational queries are meant to educate potential customers, so you need to create content that’s linked to your sale page or product.

• Navigational queries made by users are already looking at your brand, website and product name.

• Transactional queries signify commercial intent. To rank high, use words like coupon, buy, discount or special offer, etc.

Maximize your Website

If your website doesn’t have a streamlined URL structure, you’re probably losing a lot of potential business. Since it takes the average consumer less than a minute to decide whether they want to know more about your business, make sure your website is easy to navigate. Keep in mind that pages with too many outbound links can have a negative impact in your website’s ranking, so it’s better to focus on building two paragraphs of original content per page with only a few outbound links to other quality sites.

Earn Your Links

More is not always necessarily better when it comes to maximizing your online presence. It’s far better to have different links for reputable authority sites than 100 single links from no-name sites. You can build credible links in several different ways:

• Editorial links: These are the golden standard for links, coming directly from mentions about your company by the media, as well as thought-leadership types of articles you write and publish via third-party sites.

• Broken Link Building: Although it’s tedious, it’s very useful in your pursuit of SEO optimization. Start by looking for broken links on authoritative niche sites and propose to the publishers that they substitute your link instead.

Begin by reverse engineering your competitors’ backlink profiles to see which resources are linked to them. Next, you will verify all of those links on the resource sites to find the broken ones.

• Co-Citation: Each time a link to your site or your brand is featured along with your competitors, it gives Google a hint that your business is related to the others mentioned. To achieve co-citation, you need to perform a search on

Google for lists. For example, you can do a search for the top 10 (insert generic term for your services) or best (insert generic term for your business). If you don’t see yourself listed, reach out to the publishers and ask them to add you. Be sure to make a case as to why you be listed, and make it easy for them to agree by writing killer content that is in line with the rest of the list.

The Total Package

As you can see, many of the above-mentioned tactics are simple, yet not always easy. SEO optimization is more than a few strategically placed keywords. To be successful, you need to take the time and research what your competition is and isn’t doing. By doing so, you are able to plan your strategy and rank higher on Google and other search engines as well.

3 Surprising Roles of SEO In Promoting Physiotherapy Services

How to utilize SEO in promoting Physiotherapy Services

For any online business to succeed and stand out in a market full of cut-throat competitors, there is a need to utilize search engine optimization (SEO) services. SEO plays a major role in making any business visible online by determining its site ranking on search engines. SEO has helped several online businesses including professional physical therapy services; earn more from their online campaigns.

SEO is an investment that pays in the long run for any type of online business. It helps in promoting the business and hence making it accessible to local consumers of the product or service. Today, several services including physical therapy for illnesses that render one immobile or injuries that inhibits regular movement and function are available online. These services depend on SEO to ensure that their reach is wide and their web pages have good ranking on search engines. Success for an online company is determined by the amount of traffic generated; the higher the traffic the more visible the web page or business is to the public. It is therefore, highly recommended to seek SEO services from professionals who have had several years of experience that will help promote physical therapy services provided.

Ways to achieving good SEO

Individuals or companies that are specialized in offering rehabilitation and physiotherapy alongside other medical services need a well-established online presence so as to reach more potential clients. These service providers should have a suitable internet marketing strategy in place that will help in page ranking and promotion of their business and services. There are a number of ways they can use to achieve good SEO for their website, such as, acquiring proper backlinks in posts, use of appropriate key words, on-page optimization, and attaining a striking site design.

The main aim of having good SEO is promoting the website so that potential physical therapy clients can access. One can therefore modify the website; its content and online presence as part of their internet marketing strategy by following these simple steps:

• Improving on title tags
Most businesses slip-up repetitively with titles put up on their sites and for some, they are not aware of their mistakes. Optimize your site’s title tags as they play a key role in improving search engine ranking; they should be unique and made up of key terms or phrases that are likely to be used on search engines. Titles should also have H1 and H2 Tags.

• Enabling crawlers to the site
For a page to be visible and appear on search engine results, crawlers need to access the entire website with ease and capture the desired content. There are some aspects of a site that may require immediate removal to allow crawling such as Flash or JavaScript dependent navigation, and frames.

• Inbound links
For search engines, incoming links act as proof that the site is genuine with relevant content. To rank better, webmasters should find ways to grow and increase these links for example via guest blogging, article submission at article directories, and backlinks from info graphics which are far much better than written content.

How SEO helps in promoting physical therapy services

1. Increased accessibility through content creation

Some people may be aware while others have no single clue about it nevertheless when it comes down to SEO, content is king. Creating content related to physical therapy for the site is vital in search engine optimization efforts. Relevant content gives page visitors reasons to return to the site which means; more traffic.

Major search engines change their algorithms regularly with updates hence creating content is not enough. Physiotherapists or site owners need to come up with new relevant content on a regular basis and be consistent with their trend. Fresh content improves search visibility for the site and therefore more people can access the physical therapy services provided. However, it is the decision of the webmasters on the type of content they wish to add on the site. Some of the content may include: blogs, promotions, video tutorials, or images which should be related to physical treatment and rehabilitation.

Here is an infographic explaining why content should go hand in hand with SEO:

2. Public awareness through better rankings

Retaining clients and gaining more is a goal most businesses desire. When SEO is utilized properly, a company is able to gain popularity both locally and internationally. Physiotherapists that are well known have exploited search engine optimization services among other internet marketing strategies to be in their position.

Different search engines have been known to prioritize the number of backlinks as one of the factors in determining ranking however not just any type of backlinks. SEO professionals insist that not all backlinks will improve a site’s ranking as some may harm the ranking instead. Highly ranked sites such as Wikipedia contains several backlinks from different domains and this is the type of backlinks required for better ranking.

This move is expected to improve the site’s conversion rate leading to better site ranking. The ranking of a site determines its appearance on various search engine result pages hence better ranking automatically results to increased awareness of the service provision brand.

3. Online presence through social networking

Website promotion is similar to advertising of a business and is a part of reliable SEO strategies. Social networking is a method in search engine optimization that will help physiotherapists gain more followers who eventually turn to clients. Contributing to various online forums and creating accounts on different social media platforms; helps in creating traffic and developing backlinks to sites.

Social networking entails getting social with people online as they get to know about the type of physical therapy services a particular brand offers. One may choose to engage in conversations on medical forums, fitness center or sports training pages, educative discussions, among other social media platforms to promote their physical therapy services. Active online presence leads to more links through shares, tweets, re-tweets, and mentions about the services provided.

Therefore, to improve and promote their services webmasters need to implement the above mentioned and several other techniques as part of their SEO campaign.